Not a Dry Eye
The eyes need constant lubrication which is provided by the tear glands. Eyes become dry for two main reasons. Firstly, tears can evaporate too quickly. This can be in aeroplanes. in air conditioning, in dry air or smoky conditions. It is temporary and is improved by the use of lubricant drops and removing yourself (where possible) from the situation. Secondly, it can be due to reduced tear production. This can be because of advanced age, various medical conditions (e.g. Diabetes, Lupus, Sjorgren's Syndrome, Scleroderma), certain medications (e.g. antihistamines, antidepressants, blood pressure tablets) and tear gland damage through trauma.
Breathless with Emphysema
Emphysema is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Inheritance plays a part, however, most cases are related to smoking or long term exposure to dusts or pollutants which damage the air sacs in the lungs where oxygen enters the blood stream.
Febrile fits in kids
These are seizures in children (generally between six months and five years) due to a rapid rise in temperature. Up to one in twenty children will experience these. While frightening to watch, they do not cause brain damage and are not a prelude to epilepsy.
Managing hayfever – Why, What & How
Runny or blocked noses, sneezing, congestion, watery eyes and headache are just some of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hayfever) which affects nearly one in five Australians. It is not necessarily caused by hay and you don't get a fever. The symptoms can range from mild to severe and can last days or months.
V is for Varicose Veins
Widened, often twisted, veins near the skin surface are called varicose veins. They are most common in the lower legs.