Useful links

MedicareAustralian Government Department of Human Services132 011 (7 days a week, 24 hours a day)
QuitlineAustralian Government13 78 48, Quit Smoking
Measure UpAustralian Government Department of HealthMeasure your waistline
Tackle binge drinkingAustralian Government Department of Health
Cancer Care AwarenessAustralian Government Cancer Australia
Drug AwarnessAustralian Government Department of Health
Prevent falls - child safety guideNSW Government Health
Health DirectAustralian Government Department of Health1800 022 022, National hotline for healthcare triage, health advice and information
Australian Red Cross Blood ServiceAustralian Red Cross Blood Service13 14 95
National Auslan Interpreter 246 945
Translating and Interpreting Service 14 50
