Dr Peter Brown
Dr Brown is available for general consultations each weekday. Dr Brown has been with Brook Medical Centre since 1989. His specialist interests include obstetrics, anaesthetics and travel medication including Yellow Fever.View ProfileDr Siva Rajeev
Dr Rajeev is available for general consultations Monday and Tuesday.View ProfileDr Raj Swamy
Dr Swamy is available for general consultations every weekday.View ProfileDr Philip Watson
B.Sc.(Med), MBBS, DRANZCOG, FRACGP, FARGP (Anaes.), Grad Dip Rural Health
Dr Watson is available twice a month for appointments. His special interests include anaesthetics and minor procedures.View ProfileDr Sanjay Verma
MBBS, FRACGP, FARGP (General Surgery), FACCS (Cosmetic Surgery),
Dr Verma is available for consultation each week. Special interests include skin clinics, general surgical procedures, endoscopies, hernia repair, carpal tunnel, vasectomy, caesareans and appendectomy.View ProfileDr Clifton Washaya
MMed(Surg), FCS(ECSA), FCS (SAfrica), FRACS, MB, ChB, FRACS(Gen Surg), FAMLC
Dr Washaya is the practice Specialist General Surgeon and is available for surgical consultations two days per week. Referrals can be arranged through your General Practitioner.View ProfileDr Nitin Trasi
Dr Trasi is available for consultations five days per week. Dr Trasi has extensive experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. His special interests include women's health, antenatal and postnatal care, sexual health, family planning, conception and infertility.View ProfileDr Lojene Raveenthiran
Dr Lojene is available for general consultations Monday and TuesdayView ProfileDr Samantha McClean
Dr McClean is available for general consultations. Special interests are women's health, contraception and paediatrics. Dr McClean is available for appointments once a month on a Friday.View ProfileDr Emenike Muonanu
Dr Emenike Muonanu is a GP registrar with the RACGP. He plans to remain in Muswellbrook for the foreseeable future and has special interests in adult medicine, mental health, and paediatrics. Dr Emenike Muonanu is available for appointments 4 days a week.View ProfileDr Leila Mirbagher-Ajorpaz
Dr Leila Mirbagher-Ajorpaz is available for appointments 5 days a week.View Profile
GP Registrars
Brook Medical Centre employs two or more Registrars who are qualified but completing their training and experience. Appointments may be made in the normal way. Their term at the practice is for a period of 6 to 12 months.
Brook Medical Centre is an accredited training practice for RACGP Vocational Training Program. This program enables GP Registrars, who are fully qualified doctors, to work in country areas and gain experience in Rural General Practice.
Our Current Registrars are:
- Dr Ashish Paul
- Dr Mostafa Kamal
- Dr Sana Haroon
- Dr Aqsa Tufail
Practice Manager
Kristen Seymour
Kristen is responsible for the overall business management and administration of the Practice. She is available to speak with you if you have any problems with your dealings at the practice and is also happy to receive your suggestions.
Administration Assistant
- Tracie King
Office Manager
- Dee Slade
Nursing Staff
Our Nursing team at Brook Medical Centre are Megan, Robyn, Karina, Kelsey and Nurse Assistant Courtney.
Clerical Staff
Medical Students
Brook Medical Centre is dedicated to teaching Medical Students. They come to us from Sydney University, UNSW, Newcastle University and from all over Australia under the John Flynn Program.
You will be advised upon arrival for your appointment if a student will be in attendance during your appointment. You have the right to decline them attending your appointment.