Glaucoma affecting one in eight of those over 80 is the second commonest cause of permanent vision loss in Australia.
Medicinal Cannabis
It is now six years since Medicinal Cannabis was legalised in Australia and in that time well over 300,000 approvals have been issued for its use.
The Importance for Exercise for Young and Old.
The human body was designed to be active and for most of human history has been. Till modern times most work was physical as was the means of getting from "A" to "B".
Healthy Food Choices for School-Aged Children
One in four Australian Children are overweight or obese. there are two main drivers of this.
Firstly, is the tendency for children to snack on high calorie foods and drinks. Second is the replacement of physical activity with time on a computer or other electronic devices. We can't turn back time, but it is not all bad news. you can do much as a parent or guardian to help a child battling weight.
Impetigo (School Sores)
Impetigo is a skin infection caused by common bacteria (Staphylococcus and Streptococcus).
It is far more common in children, and the name school sores reflects this, but it can also affect adults.