June Is Men’s Health Month

International Men’s Health Month is recognised every year June. It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and well-being of men in our community.

Heart Disease, Prostate cancer, Depression, Colon Cancer and Testicular Cancer are some of the known medical issues men face and this month we will be discussing these medical conditions.

Heart Disease:

On Average men develop heart disease 10 years earlier than women do, and twice as many men compared to women have heart attacks.

This is attributed to smoking, blood pressure, family history, cholesterol and weight.

Prostate Cancer:

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, and it is estimated that one in six males will be diagnosed by the time they are 85.

Early prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms.

Advanced prostate cancer symptoms can include:

frequent urination, pain while urinating, Weak legs or feet, blood in the urine or semen, a weak stream and pain in the back or pelvis

Your Doctor can offer you a PSA blood test to check your prostate.


1 in 8 men will experience depression in their life. The signs of depression affect different people in different ways. It can involve changes in the way you think, feel or behave.

Mental health has long been viewed as a topic not to be discussed, especially in men – for some men this is not talking about their feelings, or not showing that they’re upset. This can sometimes make it hard for men to acknowledge that depression is what they may be experiencing.

Your Doctor can help with an issues you may be having and refer you onto our psychologist if required.

Colon Cancer:

1 in 13 men will develop bowel cancer in their lifetime. During the early stages of bowel cancer, people may have no symptoms, which is why screening is so important.

From the age of 45 years, a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) should be done every 2 years.

If you experience any change in bowel habits book an appointment to see one of our Doctors who can then refer you to Dr Clifton Washaya or Dr Sanjay Verma for further investigation if required.

Testicular Cancer:

Testicular cancer is not a common cancer but it is the second most common cancer in young men (aged 20 to 39) excluding non-melanoma skin cancer.

While self examination is important, please book to see your Doctor if any changes are noticed.



All of the above medical issues and more can be discussed with any Doctor at Brook Medical Centre.

Any male from 18 years of age can book to have a Men’s Health Check done. Call 65431222 or book via HotDocs







