Non – Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
This occurs when fat accumulates in the liver of a person who drinks little or no alcohol.
Flash Burns to the Eye
Flash burns occur when a strong light burns the eye's surface (cornea). Causes include welding with sparks flying, skiing without glasses, or using sun lamps. Symptoms include pain and burning in the eye, watery or bloodshot eyes and blurred vision. It can start up to 12 hours after exposure.
Post Traumatic Stress
First described in the 1970"s in Vietnam War Veterans, PTSD is a reaction that people can develop after being through or witnessing a traumatic event which threatened the life or safety of themselves or others.
Heartburn in Pregnancy
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), commonly known as reflux, occurs when acid from the stomach goes up into the base of the oesopheagus.
Mental Health remains an area where less progress has been made than we would like. There have been significant amounts of money spent which implies that more than just dollars are needed.